Last year I told a good friend that I didn't expect Obama to run for reelection. I said, I think he will raise as much money as he can right up to the convention, but then withdraw. Why do you think that my friend asked? Because he is going to be beaten badly if he runs and since he is without honor he will raise money as long as he can in order to have a war chest to use as he wishes after he withdraws.
I don't mean use on himself directly, but use to support other candidates or causes or to build his library. By avoiding defeat Obama will be in a great position to hover or float above politics and the country (even the world!) for years to come, to comment on injustice or bad policies, remain relevant and the go to source for the media. That status is improved if he has a few hundred million laying around to hand to selected candidates and to support selected causes. Furthermore, with that much money he would always be a threat to run again and even if he never runs for office again, the media would keep talking about him and keep him relevant and in the news.
Obama never wanted to be President of the United States. He simply wanted to be rich and famous and it just so happened that politics turned out to be the racket that got him what he desired.
Handled correctly Obama could become even more of deity in some quarters. As impossible as that seems.
I am no longer convinced that Obama won't run. It could still happen, but a more likely course is that seeing he is going to lose he doesn't spend anywhere near the money he raises.
We shall see. Unfortunately we live in interesting times.