Two nice clean looking young men from the Jehovah Witnesses knocked on the door today. Smaller than the group that came by last summer. It was a hot day last summer and I asked if they wanted a seat and cool drink of water. I listened and then asked would they say the Lord's pray with me. They said they would, so I crossed myself, their eyes got a bit larger and we said the prayer. Then they left.
Today, I was asked to read a passage from the Bible and I did and they read one and asked if wanted The Watchtower. I said yes and that I would read it with interest. They asked if they could come back and discuss it with me and I said of course. That I would look forward to it.
As they began to leave I said, you suggest our relationship with God would be stronger if we called him by his name, Jehovah. Before you return please consider this: Wouldn't your relationship be further strengthened by regularly consuming the actual blood and body of Christ? They said what? You mean bread and wine. I said, at Mass every Sunday the wine and bread are transformed into the blood and body of Christ. We consume exactly what the disciples consumed in Jesus's presence. They said, we have a service once a month where we consume bread and wine. I said, I do not consume bread and wine, I and others of my faith consume the actual blood and body of Christ. So again before you return, consider if consumption of the blood and body wouldn't strengthen your relationship even more than using the word, Jehovah.
We shall see if they return.
Update June 29, 2012: They haven't come back. Too bad.